
Variable Name and AliasesDefault ValueArguments, Unit, Description
dir_base|dir_base_directory base directory in which all subordinated files can be found
dir_output_directory|dir_outputtmp/ output directory
output_filename_prefixnone output filename prefix
b_use_maximum_cross_section_method|b_MCSMno indicates whether to use the maximum crosssection method
mcs_method_trigger1.000000 defines the maximal vertical optical thickness for the mcs method
b_save_trajectories|b_stno if enabled the raytracer will write the trajectory data to a file
b_simulate_refraction|b_refraction|b_srno consider refraction?
[km] refraction_step_size0.233457 step size for the simulation of refraction
[rad] refraction_fitness0.000000 maximal direction difference for the ray exit direction, sun direction
refraction_iterations_maximum15 maximal number of iteration steps in the refraction fitting procedure
b_consider_direct_light|b_direct_light|b_dlyes consider direct (unscattered) sunlight?
no_quadrature_trajectories10000 number of simulated trajectories
maximum_no_trace_events|n_max10000 maximum allowed number of traces events
b_automatic_switch_selection|b_assyes automatic setting of some flags
b_Neumann_series_truncation|b_Nstno limit number of scatter orders?
no_scatter_orders0 maximum number of scatter orders
b_use_external_seed|b_hesno is external seed used?
seed|external_seed0 random number generator seed
b_ASCII_trajectory_output|b_ASCIIno shall the trajectory output be human readable?
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