
Variable Name and AliasesDefault ValueArguments, Unit, Description
dir_base|dir_base_directory base directory in which all subordinated files can be found
b_use_relief_data|b_reliefno use topograhic surface altitude data?
fn_relief_data_file|fn_relieffile file which holds the ground relief data...
b_specular_reflection_at_surface|b_Fresnel_reflectionno Fresnel reflection at the surface?
fn_refractive_indexfile [nm re im] refractive index table for surface
wind_speed0.000000 [m/s] wind speed at the sea surface
wind_direction|wind_azimuth0.000000 [degree] wind direction relative to North
b_sea_surfaceno use Cox & Munks 1954 sea surface slope PDF for simulation of specular reflection?
crosswind_resolution100 sea surface crosswind axis slope map resolution
upwind_resolution100 sea surface upwind axis slope map resolution
ground_albedo|albedo0.000000 homogeneously grey surface albedo value
b_use_albedo_mapno use detailed albedo map?
b_use_reflectance_spectrano use reflectance spectra?
fn_ground_reflectance_spectra|fn_spectral_albedo_datafile file with data table of reflectance spectra
fn_ground_pixel_mapfile ground pixel map instead of albedo
b_use_specific_albedo_map_gridno use specific albedo map grid?
b_use_equidistant_albedo_map_gridno use equidistant albedo map grid?
AlbedoMapXA0.000000 albedo map XA
AlbedoMapXB0.000000 albedo map XB
AlbedoMapYA0.000000 albedo map YA
AlbedoMapYB0.000000 albedo map YB
AlbedoMapDeltaX0.000000 x size of albedo map tile
AlbedoMapDeltaY0.000000 y size of albedo map tile
fn_albedo_map_x_gridfile x grid file for albedo map
fn_albedo_map_y_gridfile y grid file for albedo map
download surface.conf