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162 Aufrufe Bewertung

Chronik-Einträge am 31.12.2022

Sozio-Ökonomische Physik
positiver und negativer Zinsen, Systemtheorie,
Marktwirtschaft und Demokratie.

T i m - D e u t s c h m a n n . d e

31. Dezember 2022, 14:12:57
Mein Kommentar:

„How are economic growth, growth of the amount of money and positive interest rates interrelated? And if you know the answer, how then a monetary policy leading to negative interest rates on deposits and debts in a full reserve banking system is related to de-growth and shrinking of economic inequality? These thoughts change minds and therewith world!“

Was wird wohl in diesem Artikel darüber stehen?

Degrowth Economy: Let’s Address the People and Planetary Crises; Please use whatever means you have available to you to help make degrowth a household word. Millions of lives depend upon it.

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Tim Deutschmann

USt-IdNr.: DE342866832

E-mail: autor@tim-deutschmann.de


Keltenweg 22
69221 Dossenheim
